The Düsseldorf Parent Visiting Service welcomes all first-born children

The Düsseldorf Parent Visiting Service welcomes all first-born children

Under the motto "Welcome to Düsseldorf", the staff of the Parent Visiting Service visit parents of first-born children.

They present a gift and inform parents about many family-related topics. The Parent Visiting Service team is made up of experienced educators who specialize in specific districts and are therefore able to arrange services close to the families as well as in the entire Düsseldorf city area.

All families receive a letter approximately 6 to 12 weeks after the birth of their child. This letter introduces the Parent Visiting Service and offers an appointment for a visit at home. As this is a voluntary service, it is of course possible to cancel or postpone this proposed appointment. Confirmation of the appointment makes it easier for the staff to plan the visits. The meetings can also be offered in English, Arabic, Russian, Serbian and Croatian by arrangement.

All families who would also like a visit for other children, who have recently moved to Düsseldorf with a small child or who do not want to wait for the letter after the birth are very welcome to contact the Parent Visiting Service and make an appointment.

The state capital Düsseldorf is certified as a family-friendly municipality and wants families to feel at home.

The parent visiting service provides information on the following topics, among others:


You are currently enjoying your time at home as a family. In the future, the question will arise as to how you can find the right childcare place for your child. Together with you, the staff at the Parent Visiting Service will consider which forms of childcare are suitable for your child and what steps need to be taken next. In a joint discussion, you will receive information about childcare in daycare centers, with childminders and large daycare facilities. You will learn everything you need to know about the registration process, deadlines and fees.

The i-Punkt Familie team will advise you on childcare issues, support you with the Kita Navigator and they provide information on child daycare services.


Family time

As everyday life gradually settles in and you get used to your new family situation, you may
want to get in touch with other families and discover new ways of spending your free time with your child. The Parent Visiting Service will introduce you to suitable offers in your district or throughout Düsseldorf. The Parent Visiting Service has compiled an overview of inexpensive family education offers for you. It ranges from toddler groups and family get-togethers to baby swimming and retraining to PEKiP courses and much more.

Düsseldorf also has a family navigator. It is an information portal where you can find all current offers for pregnant women and families with children and young people in Düsseldorf.



The healthy growth of your child is particularly important to you as parents, and the Parent Visiting Service would like to support you in this. Perhaps you have questions about breastfeeding or complementary foods. Perhaps you are still looking for a suitable pediatrician or are wondering how to deal with your baby in an emergency. The Parent Visiting Service can put you in touch with the right contacts and services for all these topics.

Help and support

Family life brings with it many challenges. Things may be going very differently than you had imagined. Or unplanned situations have arisen that are making your everyday life more difficult. The Parent Visiting Service is there to listen to you and discuss with you where you can get support. The staff will also be happy to put you in touch with the right service for you.

When you visit the parent visiting service, you will also receive the “Düsseldorf Parent Information” for parents with children aged zero to four. This contains information in case questions arise at a later date.


Further tips

The staff of the Parent Visiting Service will also provide you with information about places for changing nappies and breastfeeding in the city center and about the Düsseldorf Family Card, with which you can receive various discounts from many partners throughout the city.

You will also find an overview of current dates for baby jumble sales and flea markets.

Your opinion is important to us

Your opinion is important to us

The Parent Visiting Service is interested in your concerns as a family and looks forward to your feedback. The Office for Social Affairs and Youth would like to work with you to develop further family-friendly services. During the visit, you therefore have the opportunity to share your wishes and suggestions directly or to fill in the feedback card afterwards.

Feedback in a video


Senior citizens knit for the Düsselbabies

Senior citizens knit for the Düsselbabies

For several years now, volunteer knitters have been supporting the Parent Visiting Service with baby socks, which are presented to the parents with the welcome gift.

Many of the socks are created in knitting circles that come together in "zentren plus". In the meantime, there are also some private individuals who are now knitting little socks for the “Düsseldorf Babies” and making them available to the Parent Visiting Service.

It is a pleasure for the Parent Visiting Service team to see how much creativity and skill goes into making the socks - and, of course, how happy the families are about this special gesture.

If you are interested in supporting this voluntary campaign, please contact us.


Haven't you received any mail from us yet?

Haven't you received any mail from us yet?

Have you recently moved to Düsseldorf?
Or don't want to wait for the letter until after the birth?
Then contact us and we will be happy to arrange a visit.



  • Elternbesuchsdienst
    Amt für Soziales und Jugend
    Willi-Becker-Allee 10
    40227 Düsseldorf
  • Termine nach Vereinbarung